Planning in Cookhill

12th August 2020 – Covid19 Temporary Government measures. You can read the update from Wychavon Planning Department here.

Cookhill Parish Council, is a statutory consultee on planning matters within this Parish. Copies of all planning applications for properties in Cookhill are sent by email to the Parish Council for its opinions.

These applications (if the time line of 21 days allows) are discussed at each Parish Council meeting which are usually held on the second Tuesday of every month. The public are invited to attend and give their views at any meeting, and are encouraged to do so.

The Parish Council’s recommendation is recorded in the minutes of that meeting.

A list of current applications can be found on the Wychavon Planning website.

You can find out more about the latest planning policy in Wychavon at the South Worcestershire Development Plan.

The Parish Council does not make the decision as to whether permission is granted on any application. It can only make recommendations.

The large majority of planning applications are decided (approved or refused) by trained, salaried planning officers employed by Wychavon District Council. However, local division members i.e. District Councillors in whose area the planning application falls, can call applications to a Wychavon Planning Committee. In the case of Cookhill, this is either Councillor Audrey Steel or Councillor David Wilkinson.

In addition, these Councillors can be asked to “call in” the application by either the applicant (if he believes the officer is about to refuse it) or any other interested party, such as an objector, or the Parish Council.

In order that an application is “called in” by the unitary member, there must be a sound planning reason for doing so and the request must be made in writing.